Monday, August 16, 2010

Are Modern Conveniences Really More Important Then Our Health?

By Dr Nance MacLeod,

In today’s Hamilton Spectator the headlines read Parents claim WI-FI making student sick,. The parents have formed the Rodney Palmer of Simcoe County Safe School Committee. I applaud these parents for stepping up and fighting for the health of their children.

We have known about the dangers and alleged dangers of EMF’s for at least 10 years, yet we have chosen to close one eye and many of us have closed both eyes. Why?

Are modern conveniences really more important then our health?

Are all of the scientists wrong and health Canada right?

In 2007 the German government said “People should avoid using Wi-Fi wherever possible because of the risks it may pose to health,”

Germany's official radiation protection body also advises its citizens to use landlines instead of mobile phones, and warns of "electrosmog" from a wide range of other everyday products, from baby monitors to electric blankets.

The Environment Ministry recommended that people should keep their exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi "as low as possible" by choosing "conventional wired connections". It added that it is "actively informing people about possibilities for reducing personal exposure".

Sir William Stewart, Britain's official health protection watchdog, who has produced two reports calling for caution in using mobile phones and who has also called for a review of the use of Wi-Fi in schools.

There are many reports and a lot of scientific and systematic evidence that shows that EMF is a serious problem that should not be ignored. As more and more people become electro hypersensitive, only about 50% will find out what is causing their problems the other 50% will blame aging as the reason for their health conditions and ignore the evidence that could give them their health back.

For the people who are interested here are some tips to help you protect yourself. I suggest you test these out for a week or n=more and see if you are feeling any different,

1. Avoid installing low-voltage halogen, florescent tubes and energy-efficient compact fluorescent lighting (CFL). All of them generate a nasty electromagnetic field which is harmful to our health. To save on hydro buy LED light bulbs, they are becoming more available and they are very efficient and extremely safe.

2. When replacing your computer monitor or TV purchase the new LCD they emit much less EM radiation.

3. Clean up the electrical power cords. Power bars and transformers around your computer and desk and reroute them away from your feet and seating area, and never use a laptop PC on your lap.

4. Do not install a wireless internet and if you have already shut it off at night and I recommend highly that you go back to hard wires. If you do not want to do that then at least purchase and install Graham/Stetzer filters to protect yourself and your family.

5. Check to see if you have a DECT cordless phone. DECT phones constantly transmit a strong RF signal, even when not in use just sitting in the cradle. If you have one, get rid of it, and/or unplug it at night. I know people who shut off the power bar that the wireless and DECT phone is plugged into.

6. Limit the time you spend talking on a cordless phone and cell phone, and do not let children under 14 use cell phones.

7. Replace all the dimmer switches in your house with regular switches. Even when turned completely on full power a dimmer chops-off part of the electrical current, then it discards in the form of a strong electromagnetic field. Dimmer switches also create dirty electricity that can contaminate an entire home’s electrical wiring with dangerous high frequency energy.

8. Protect your baby. Move baby cribs and beds a few feet away from walls containing electrical wires and don’t locate cribs or beds on walls opposite electronic equipment like computers, entertainment centre and clothes dryers and microwaves. Most walls do not block the magnetic field thrown by electronic devices.

9. Get rid of your microwave oven. If you must use a microwave stand at least five feet away from microwaves when in operation; better still leave the room, even a properly functioning microwave can throw a strong electromagnetic field. A leaky one is even more dangerous. Always keep you microwave unplugged when not in use.

10. Consider purchasing a EMF meter or have a professional come in and measure the EMF’s in your home. They will recommend filters, new switches and other ways to protect your family.

Congratulations to the Rodney Palmer of Simcoe County Safe School Committee, keep up the good work. Here are a few suggestions you can bring to the school board. You are saving lives not just the lives of your children but the teachers that work at the schools as well, and all the people who you are educating.

Dr Nance MacLeod ~~~

Dr MacLeod accepts new patients at her Niagara Falls office at the Eagle Valley Health Spa and will soon be opening up a clinic in Hamilton. You can reach her at 289-669- 0015 or email her at To learn more about Dr. Macleod services go to

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