Friday, March 25, 2011

Tim Horton's Fruit Smoothie Ingredients from Mike Zavitz

I have to share this information with you, there is nothing in this world more frustrating then misleading advertising, especially when something is marketed as being healthy when it really will cause poor health as well as premature aging.

Please read this thanks

Tim Horton's Fruit Smoothie Ingredients

As usual, Tim Horton's just doesn't get it...

As the population adopts healthier lifestyles, Tim Horton's has tried to pick up on the "Smoothie Trend" - which is
not really a trend but a lifestyle - once you start making them each day, it's very hard to ever stop! And why would
one want to?...they are quick, easy, diverse and super healthy if made correctly. Unfortunately, Timmy has, once
again, opted for the lowest common denominator when it comes to their ingredients.

I will give them credit for at least putting in some real fruit, which is more than can be said for their Apple Cider -
which is nothing but artificial flavors and colors. To the dismay of those who do understand nutrition, Timmy has
made nearly a complete mockery of the smoothie by adding in pasteurized dairy, harmful sugars (all contain 30
grams of sugar or more, which isn't far off Coca Cola's 39 grams) like "high-fructose corn syrup" and artificial
flavors/colors (caramel color). The protein content, which only comes from the milk and whey (very cheap and
poor sources), is only about 2 grams - not enough to counteract the damage from all the sugar. The fruit itself
is a "puree concentrate" which is likely very poor quality (acidic) and certainly not FRESH, which is what most
smoothie creators demand.

In all, Timmy has failed miserably due their penchant for cheap ingredients and the reality is that their "smoothies"
are nothing more than glorified milkshakes. But this may not stop many Canadians from purchasing them since most
don't bother to read ingredients and they are not readily available at the store or on the cup label. However, I have
obtained a copy from their head office (ATTACHED) and we can educate people by passing this email along.

Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup:
Studies find Mercury in Corn Syrup:
Facts about Pasteurization:
Caramel Color contains Carcinogens:

The bottom line is, don't make Tim's "smoothies" a daily habit - make them at home before you go to work (or whenever!)
- you can make them best!...

Here are some suggestions for a HEALTHY smoothie you can make in just a few minutes at home...

Base: Pure Filtered Water/Rice Milk/Almond Milk
Fruits/Veggies: Nearly Anything Organic!...Mixed Berries/Bananas/Carrots/Dark Greens etc.
Protein: Organic Hemp (best)/Brown Rice/Yellow Pea
SuperFood Blends: GreenZone/Greens+/Living Fuel/Sun Warrior Ormus Greens/Vega
Nuts/Seeds: Almonds/Flax/Pumpkin (make sure to buy NATURAL RAW and ORGANIC)

Add a bit of sweetener like Maple Syrup if needed. There are many variations but Green Superfood Smoothies
can be an incredibly beneficial start to your day and are great for the whole family!

Michael Zavitz
CHN ID: Certified Holistic Nutritionist / Iridologist


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson

Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others. ~ 289-669-0015

The Invitation By Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for,
And if you dare to dream of meeting
Your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
For love, for your dream,
For the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow,
If you have been opened by life's betrayals,
Or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain,
Mine or your own,
Without moving
To hide it or fade it or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy,
Mine or your own,

If you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
Without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human. ~ 289-669-0015

The Invitation By Oriah Mountain Dreamer page 2
It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

I want to know if you can be faithless and therefore be trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty
Even when it is not pretty every day,
And if you can source your own life
From its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, Yours and mine,

And still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes!"

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, Weary and bruised to the bone,
And do what needs to be done for the children.

It doesn't interest me who you are, how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand In the center of the fire with me
And not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you From the inside
When all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone
With yourself,
And if you truly like the company you keep
In the empty moments. ~ 289-669-0015

Popping Potassium Iodide is a really bad idea!

Popping Potassium Iodide is a really bad idea!
By Dr Nance Macleod PhD

There are growing concerns about the radioactive fall out from Japan reaching Canada. Radioactive iodine has already been found in Seattle; however officials tell us that the amounts detected were so small that it will not endanger health. The officials have told us that by the time the radio-active fall out reaches Ontario it will be minuscule and be no worst than the radiation we are exposed to daily.

Still many people have been calling me asking for potassium iodine pills and iodine drops, knowing that the Japanese authorities distributed iodine to people living near nuclear power plants to help protect them from radioactive fall out.

Potassium iodide, also called KI, only protects the thyroid gland from exposure to radioactive iodine, which could lead to thyroid cancer years after exposure. KI does not protect a person from the immediate effects of radiation. Nausea and vomiting often begin within hours of exposure to high levels of radiation, followed by diarrhea, headaches and fever. These symptoms will not be avoided by taking one or more than one Potassium Iodine pills.

In fact, popping potassium iodide is a really bad idea. Serious symptoms including burning of the mouth and throat, vomiting, stomach ache, racing heart and dizziness or vertigo is possible by taking too much potassium iodine. It has been reported by several US poison control centers that people have already experienced negative side effect to KI.

The best way to protect yourself from radiation poisoning is not KI tablets unless you are within a 200 mile radius of the nuclear accident.

Eating foods high in potassium and iodine is the best way to protect yourself from radiation without harming your health. Keeping your immune system strong by adding Super Foods to your diet like E3 Live Algae, sea vegetables, wild fish and more will protect you from every day radiation and any fall out that might come our way. Your body cannot over dose from food because it will take the nutrition it needs and excrete the rest.

Below I have listed recommended foods for you to try.

Fish which has more than 400mgs of potassium in a 3 oz servings:
• Clams … 534mg
• Halibut ... 490mg
• Tuna ….. 484mg
• Cod …… 439mg

Fish under 400mgs
• Trout …375mg
• Salmon 319mg

The highest potassium rich fruits:
• 10 pieces Organic Dried Apricots 814 mg
• ½ cup Raisins …………………….544 mg
• 10 Dates …………………………..542 mg
• 4 Figs ………………………………542mg
• 3 oz Avocados ……………………540 mg
• 1 cup Cantaloupe ………………...494 mg
• 1 large Bananas ………………….427mg

Vegetables containing high amounts of potassium include:
• 1 cup Beet Greens ………………..1,309 mg
• 1 cup White Beans ………………. 1.189 mg
• 3 oz portion of E3 Live Algae ….. 1,090 mcg
• 1 cup Potatoes ……………………1,081 mg
• 1 cup Lima Beans ……………….. 955 mg
• 1 cup Winter Squash……………. 896 mg
• 1 cup Spinach …………………… 839 mg
• 1 cup non-GMO Soy Beans ……. 886 mg
• 1 cup Pinto Beans ……………….. 800 mg
• 1 cup Baked Beans……………….. 752 mg
• 1 cup Lentils ………………………. 731 mg
• 1 cup Kidney Beans ……………… 713 mg
• 1 cup Black eyed Peas ………….. 690 mg
• 1 cup Artichokes …………………. 644 mg
• 1 cup Parsnips …………………….. 573 mg
• 1 cup Sweet Potatoes …………… 508 mg
• 1 cup Brussels Sprouts ………….. 504 mg
• 1 cup Broccoli …………………….. 456 mg
• 1 cup Chick peas…………………. 477 mg
• 1 cup Carrots …………………….. 354 mg
• 1 cup Raw Tomatoes ……………. 400 mg

Nuts high in potassium include
• 4 oz Almond …………………….. 824 mg
• 4 oz Brazil nuts …………………. 680 mg

Please note WHO (World Health Organization) places the safe upper limit of iodine intake daily for adults is 1000mcg and for children over 5 years old 300mcg. Iodine is a chemical element essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. Iodine removes all fluorides, lead, bromine and the other toxic halides from your system, even stored ones.

Diets deficient in iodine increase risk of retarded brain development in children (cretinism), mental slowness, high cholesterol, lethargy, fatigue, depression, weight gain, and goiter: a swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck.

Iodine deficiencies are often found in people who eat high amounts of refined fast foods.

Foods that are high in iodine content include:
• 1 g Sea Vegetables like Arame, Dulse, Kelp, Nori, Sea kelp, Wakame, Seaweed, Hiziki, and Kombu ……100 to 200 mcg
• 10 g Cod Liver Oil ……………………………. 85 to 100mcg
• 1 cup of whole milk ………………………….. 75 to 120 mcg
• 1 cup of most yogurts ……………………….. 60 to 95 mcg
• 3 oz Shell fish ………………………………... 60 to 140 mcg

A super food I recommend to everyone to boost immune system and stay healthy is E3LIVE Blue/Green Algae which is very high in Vegetable Protein, Beta Carotene, Chlorophyll, Potassium, iodine and many other trace minerals.

When eating these foods regularly your body will be able to absorb the nutrition it needs to help protect it from radiation poisoning and other diseases.

A diet high in potassium will protect you from high blood pressure and a diet high in iodine rich foods can be beneficial in weight loss.

Take a look at the list and try adding some of these foods to your diet.
Keeping you body healthy and strong will help you get the most out of life. Why not take care of your body today?

Dr MacLeod accepts new patients at her Niagara Falls office at the Eagle Valley Health Spa and is the creator of The State of the ONION Retreat and the One-day Self Mastery course She can be reached at 289-669- 0015 or email her at To learn more about Dr. Macleod services and retreats go to and

Finding Happiness in an Unhappy World

"I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness."
Dalai Lama --From his book, The Art of Happiness (1998).

Finding Happiness in an Unhappy World

by Dr Nance MacLeod PhD

Have you ever heard Bill Gates or Donald Trump say that once you become a billionaire that you will be in a state of constant, never-ending incredible happiness?

How about falling in love with the person of your dreams? Will you then be totally and completely happy all the time? The feeling of joy inside of you will be there for a while but then life will take over and the joyful feeling can be lost.

Is it even possible to be happy all the time? Yes of course it is. I believe God wants us to be happy and full of joy. That is why he gave us Jesus.

According to the book; Learned Optimism (© 1990) by Dr. Martin Seligman; he tells us to keep in mind that happiness, peace of mind, self-esteem, confidence and satisfaction all go together. He believes you cannot experience one without all the others.

Taking a good look at yourself inside to see if you have any unresolved anger, non-forgiveness, guilt, self judgment, disdain, fear, shame that is holding you back from being completely happy is one of the most important actions you can do in your life.

If you are carrying all of these feelings in your body, how could you ever be completely happy and healthy?

I am sure you have heard the metaphor about the layers of the onion to describe successively removing layers that are concealed in our emotional, physical, spiritual and mental body. When we use this metaphor involving the onion - such as "peeling away another layer" - we visualize a central concept (our true core being) that is buried beneath an organized series of increasingly central issues or arguments.

As you progress inward you will have the understanding from surface issues to deeper truths. When you "get to the bottom" of something - finding its "root" or "kernel" of truth - we are finally exposing that which is most shielded from view. Our amazing true powerful selves, your diamond within will be realized.

One thing that you can do now to help get more joy and happiness, according to the research of top psychologists is to do unselfish acts (helping other people). Not people you know, but strangers, like helping in a soup kitchen, visiting AIDS patients, cleaning a public park or giving food to a homeless person.

Another thing you can do is attend courses and retreats that will help you dig deep and release all the negative unresolved issues you are carrying with in your consciousness.

Mediating, breathing exercises, taking time for you and by remembering the feeling of happiness. You can feel joy in our heart all of the time. It is worth the time and effort.

Dr MacLeod accepts new patients at her Niagara Falls office at the Eagle Valley Health Spa and is the creator of The State of the ONION Retreat and the One-day Self Mastery course She can be reached at 289-669- 0015 or email her at To learn more about Dr. Macleod services and retreats go to and