Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Finding Happiness in an Unhappy World

"I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness."
Dalai Lama --From his book, The Art of Happiness (1998).

Finding Happiness in an Unhappy World

by Dr Nance MacLeod PhD

Have you ever heard Bill Gates or Donald Trump say that once you become a billionaire that you will be in a state of constant, never-ending incredible happiness?

How about falling in love with the person of your dreams? Will you then be totally and completely happy all the time? The feeling of joy inside of you will be there for a while but then life will take over and the joyful feeling can be lost.

Is it even possible to be happy all the time? Yes of course it is. I believe God wants us to be happy and full of joy. That is why he gave us Jesus.

According to the book; Learned Optimism (© 1990) by Dr. Martin Seligman; he tells us to keep in mind that happiness, peace of mind, self-esteem, confidence and satisfaction all go together. He believes you cannot experience one without all the others.

Taking a good look at yourself inside to see if you have any unresolved anger, non-forgiveness, guilt, self judgment, disdain, fear, shame that is holding you back from being completely happy is one of the most important actions you can do in your life.

If you are carrying all of these feelings in your body, how could you ever be completely happy and healthy?

I am sure you have heard the metaphor about the layers of the onion to describe successively removing layers that are concealed in our emotional, physical, spiritual and mental body. When we use this metaphor involving the onion - such as "peeling away another layer" - we visualize a central concept (our true core being) that is buried beneath an organized series of increasingly central issues or arguments.

As you progress inward you will have the understanding from surface issues to deeper truths. When you "get to the bottom" of something - finding its "root" or "kernel" of truth - we are finally exposing that which is most shielded from view. Our amazing true powerful selves, your diamond within will be realized.

One thing that you can do now to help get more joy and happiness, according to the research of top psychologists is to do unselfish acts (helping other people). Not people you know, but strangers, like helping in a soup kitchen, visiting AIDS patients, cleaning a public park or giving food to a homeless person.

Another thing you can do is attend courses and retreats that will help you dig deep and release all the negative unresolved issues you are carrying with in your consciousness.

Mediating, breathing exercises, taking time for you and by remembering the feeling of happiness. You can feel joy in our heart all of the time. It is worth the time and effort.

Dr MacLeod accepts new patients at her Niagara Falls office at the Eagle Valley Health Spa and is the creator of The State of the ONION Retreat and the One-day Self Mastery course She can be reached at 289-669- 0015 or email her at drNanceMacleod@gmail.com. To learn more about Dr. Macleod services and retreats go to www.thewellnessdiva.org and www.schoolofnewmedicine.com

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